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We offer free delivery to most UK postcodes with the option to pick your delivery date on 1000’s of our products, At the checkout the available delivery options will be provided for your order.

Please ensure you provide a mobile number where possible when placing your order as many of our couriers will provide delivery information and time slots via text message prior to delivery. Delivery can be made between 8am-7pm.

All orders are sent with insured couriers. Please check your item on arrival and ensure you notify us of any damage within 48 hours of delivery, We cannot be held responsible for damage raised after 48 hours from delivery. 

We can deliver to locations classed as "Out of Area" with our couriers and any delivery costs for these locations will be applied at checkout once a postcode has been added in the checkout process.

  • All parcels we send are insured at no extra cost.
  • We will only ship products outside the UK in special circumstances. Please contact us with your specific requirements.
  • Please note that we shall not be liable for any losses, costs, damages, charges or expenses caused by any delay in delivering goods. In the unlikely event that your product appears lost or is damaged in transit please contact us.
  • Shipping days are approximate and although we endeavour to be accurate we cannot guarantee for issues that are not within our control.
  • Please ensure that all items are checked immediately upon delivery and in the rare circumstance that your item arrives damaged please ensure you contact us within 48 hours of delivery so we can resolve it for you. We cannot be held responsible for damage raised after 48 hours from delivery. 

Postcode restrictions

We are unable to deliver some products to certain areas of the UK due to restrictions by the manufacturer or our couriers. If you see the notice on our product pages or shopping cart, it could be that you have selected one of these items. Please contact us to see if we can arrange an alternative method.

2 Man Deliveries

Many of our Large appliances will be delivered by a 2 man team, This service includes delivery to a room of choice. Please ensure access is not obstructed and is suitable for the size of the item you have ordered as we may not be able to complete a delivery to the room of choice if this is the case.

If you have any specific delivery requirements or questions about our delivery options, please contact us on 01226 350754 and we will be happy to help.

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